
Mobile first ride in KU

                   Mobike first ride in KU
         In 2016, CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere has reached the highest level in 800,000 years.
UMO (World Meteorological Organization) stated that the CO2 density in the atmosphere has increased by 50% from the past decade average. This will affect us greatly if we still can not reduce the amount of CO2 we produce.
          Kasetsart University has organised ‘Mobike First ride in KU’ which aim to reduce pollution from travelling by promoting its student to travel in an eco-friendlier way; by bike. This will also reduce the amount of traffic and pollution from commuting by car. Other than helping the environment, riding a bike will improve the rider health as it is a form of exercise.
       Riding a bike provides us with so many benefits. Let’s do it together!

Pitiphat kantatoo 5910100823
Wongpan thongchai 5910702041
Piyanut Sangarwut 6011301185
