         9 auspicious thai desserts

          There are many kinds of Thai dessert. Most of their name have a good meaning also convey the blessing to the recipient. Today, I would like to introduce you the nine auspicious Thai desserts. They are Thong yip, Thong yot, Thong ek, Foi thong, Thuai Fu, Met Khanun, Khanom chan, Sane Chan and Cha mongkut. 
           Thong yip and Thong yot mean wealth and fortune. Foi thong means long-lasting or eternal love. Thong ek means faithfulness. Thuai Fu means thrive and progress. Met Khanun means being supported.Khanom chan means being promoted. Sane Chan means charm and beloved. Cha mongkut means superiority and triumph.
Many people know about these nine desserts but a few people have try all of them. How many kinds of them have you ever eat?

          Some of them such as Cha mongkut, barely found in a market. They are served on special occasions for some ceremony such as  weddings, housewarmings, ordinations.

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