Topic : The benefits of slow food Hello everyone ! My name is … and … / Do you know slow food? Is it? // no ! / is just food / of course, / it ’ s different from fast food . / F irst of all, what is slow food // slow food is food that prepared or cook by slowly steps with local ingredients: fresh, clean and quality.// so today, we ’ re going to tell you / about the benefit of slow food . I think sometime / some of you want to cooking by yourself / or with your family, your friends / or your couple . Yes ! Slow food is just that . You cook slowly and concentrate with it . Okay! / Let begin with the first one/ Help with weight control Going on a slow food diet is a great way to lose or control your weight. Some examples of slow foods includes vegetables, fruits and wholewheat. Eating wholewheat is better for your health because of the nutritions you get. Next, the benefit for lifestyle : Slow ...
Foundation English III section 29, KU