


IF I COULD TRAVEL BACK IN TIME... If I could travel back in time. I would eat foods that are beneficial to my health.  In the past,I like to eat junk food for example hamburger,hotdog,pizza. It’s high in cholesterol and Sodium. Junk food is not a healthy type of food.It can cause heart disease,cancer,high blood pressure and obesity.Which is why I would like to eat foods that are beneficial to my health for example vegetables and low fat food. It can help with digestion. But now I can’t travel back in time so I would like to inform everyone why you should eat less junk food and why you should eat healthy food.  Thank you Wongpan Thongchai 5910702041
   Today,I would like to talk about my spicy food passion.  For you,"What does passion means?" For me, passion means " A strong feeling of something that I really love and want." Well,When I eat a spicy food,I  gain a lot of energy and alertness. Sometimes my food is so hot,but I can keep eating because it makes me happy.    This is my Top 3 favorite spicy food. Number one is Gaeng Som, Nember two is Som Tum and number three is Tom Yum Kong. My number one is Gaeng Som or we called Gaeng Leung in Bangkok. Gaeng Som is a standard dish at southern Thai restaurants and cooked at home. Gaeng Som is commonly cooked with bamboo shoots,green papaya or slices of pineapple.    Finally, If you try to eat spicy food,you will fall in love with it.  Sawanya Luanseng  6010802440 sec 29

If I could travel back in time,...

If I could travel back in time, I would find the ways to make me tall! I want to get taller than now but I’m 20 years old, it’s hard. So, if I could travel back in time, I would eat healthy food that can make me tall. What can increase my height? The 1st thing that anyone thinking about is milk. Milk is filled of calcium that good for your bones. This show how much calcium you need each day Now, I like drinking milk however it's too late cause women when turn to 18 or 19 it's hard to get taller. Mesarak Songsri 6010802423
         9 auspicious thai desserts           There are many kinds of Thai dessert. Most of their name have a good meaning also convey the blessing to the recipient. Today, I would like to introduce you the nine auspicious Thai desserts. They are Thong yip, Thong yot, Thong ek, Foi thong, Thuai Fu, Met Khanun, Khanom chan, Sane Chan and Cha mongkut.             Thong yip and Thong yot mean wealth and fortune. Foi thong means long-lasting or eternal love. Thong ek means faithfulness. Thuai Fu means thrive and progress. Met Khanun means being supported.Khanom chan means being promoted. Sane Chan means charm and beloved. Cha mongkut means superiority and triumph. Many people know about these nine desserts but a few people have try all of them. How many kinds of them have you ever eat?           Some of them such as Cha mongkut, barely found in a market. They are served on special occasions for some ceremony such as  weddings, housewarmings, ordinations. Pitiphat ka

The benefit of slow food

Topic : The benefits of slow food Hello everyone ! My name is … and … / Do you know slow food?     Is it? // no ! / is just food / of course, / it ’ s different from fast food . / F irst of all, what is slow food // slow food is food that prepared or cook by slowly steps with local ingredients: fresh, clean and quality.// so today, we ’ re going to tell you / about the benefit of slow food . I think sometime / some of you want to cooking by yourself / or with your family, your friends / or your couple . Yes ! Slow food is just that . You cook slowly and concentrate with it .  Okay! / Let begin with the first one/ Help with weight control Going on a slow food diet is a great way to lose or control your weight. Some examples of slow foods includes vegetables, fruits and wholewheat. Eating wholewheat is better for your health because of the nutritions you get.    Next, the benefit for lifestyle  :  Slow food is made with the best ingredi

Mobile first ride in KU

                                 Mobike first ride in KU          In 2016, CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere has reached the highest level in 800,000 years. UMO (World Meteorological Organization) stated that the CO2 density in the atmosphere has increased by 50% from the past decade average. This will affect us greatly if we still can not reduce the amount of CO2 we produce.           Kasetsart University has organised ‘Mobike First ride in KU’ which aim to reduce pollution from travelling by promoting its student to travel in an eco-friendlier way; by bike. This will also reduce the amount of traffic and pollution from commuting by car. Other than helping the environment, riding a bike will improve the rider health as it is a form of exercise.        Riding a bike provides us with so many benefits. Let’s do it together! Pitiphat kantatoo 5910100823 Wongpan thongchai 5910702041 Piyanut Sangarwut 6011301185

Global conservation project: Mangrove Forest

Mangrove forests is like a preschool, home and restaurant for aquatic animals, woods in this place can use for household and it ’ s a wall to reduce the wind and the waves from outside .   Via https :// www . smugmug . com / gallery / n - Vnm7f / i - VTGg6ZW But nowadays mangrove forests were destroyed by human . For example, Tourism, they bring with them garbage,sewage,noise,fumes,light and other disturbances that can damage mangroves and the surrounding ecosystems. Next is Agriculture because mangrove forests are adapted to tidal fluctuation,they can be destroyed by such changes to their habitats.  Via http :// www . manager . co . th / QOL / ViewNews . aspx?NewsID = 9600000049029 The simple way that we can save these wonderful forests, mangrove forests, the first thing is not to throw rubbish into the water or on the ground . Then, when you go to mangrove forests not to feed animals because they may hurt you and it can destroy the ecosystem too . The